Litlhoko tsa ts'ebetso ea ts'ebetso ea motlakase oa surge
Litlhoko tsa ts'ebetso ea ts'ebetso ea motlakase oa surge
1. Thibela ho kopana ka ho toba
Ha matla a phahameng a ho sebetsa a Uc a mosireletsi a fihlellehang a phahame ho feta boleng ba acrms ba 50V, tsena li tla fihlela litlhoko tse latelang.
Ho thibela ho kopana ka ho toba (likarolo tse sa fihlelleheng tsa conductive), mosireletsi oa surge o tla etsoa e le hore likarolo tsa eona tse phelang li se ke tsa ama ha li kenngoa tlas'a maemo a tloaelehileng a tšebeliso.
Ntle le hore mosireletsi oa ts'ebetso o khetholloa e le ntho e sa fihlelleheng, mosireletsi oa ts'ebetso o tla etsoa e le hore, ha a kentsoe mme a kenngoe ka mehala bakeng sa ts'ebeliso e tloaelehileng, likarolo tse phelang li ke ke tsa fumaneha, leha likarolo tsa ho qhaqha tse ka tlosoa ntle le lisebelisoa.
Khokahano lipakeng tsa terminal ea fatše le likarolo tsohle tse fihlellehang tse hokahantsoeng ho eona e tla ba tsa pherekano e tlase.
Ho lumellana ho hlahlojoa ke liteko.
2. Residual current (residual current) IPE
Bakeng sa ba sireletsang surge ba nang le li-terminals tsa PE, IPE e tla lekanyetsoa ka li-terminals tsohle tsa mosireletsi oa surge tse hokahaneng le phepelo ea motlakase ea "reference test voltage" (UREF) ho latela litaelo tsa moetsi.
Ho lumellana ho hlahlojoa ke teko, e sa sebetseng ho li-SPD tse amanang le N-PE feela.
3. Boemo ba tšireletso ea motlakase Holimo
The limiting voltage of the mosireletsi ya matla should not exceed the voltage protection level specified by the manufacturer.
Compliance is checked by tests.
4. Action load test
When the maximum continuous working voltage Uc is applied, the mosireletsi ya matla shall be able to withstand the specified discharge current without unacceptable changes in its characteristics. In addition, the voltage switch-type mosireletsi ya matla or combined mosireletsi ya matla shall at least be able to cut off the freewheeling current of the dry rated short-circuit current ISCCR. Ho lumellana ho hlahlojoa ke liteko.
Nako ea poso: Apr-20-2022